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An Open-Source Ventilator Prototype for COVID-19 Patients


As we have all heard by now, our hospital systems are facing the burden of a global health pandemic and a shortage of critical medical supplies. Teknic was recently contacted by the Medical Devices Center at the University of Minnesota to assist with the development of their design for an automated bag valve mask (BVM) ventilator. This device would automatically actuate a BVM, which otherwise would require the full attention and labor of a nurse/tech. The goals for this device are:
  • Open source
  • Easy to build
  • Reliable
  • Cheap
  • Able to ramp up production quickly
  • Adjustable speed of ventilation
  • Adjustable compression

Day 1: Prototype

Day 2: First Prototype is Running

University of Minnesota (functional testing)

Updated and Revised Design, FDA EUA


Because of the generous outpouring of offers to help (both from Reddit and other online media), the University of Minnesota has setup a website to record and manage the contact information and capabilities of all of the people and organizations looking to help. If you think you or your organization can help this effort in any way—design, production, packaging, logistics, funding, FDA approval (Emergency Use Authorization), public awareness, or any other way—please visit this website https://med.umn.edu/covid19Ventilator and enter your contact information.